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Related article: of the hounds are kept by the master, while the remainer of the pack are trencher-fed. It is always a matter for regret when an Isosorbide Dinitrate 20 Mg esta- blished pack of foxhounds ceases to exist ; but the reason of the Gogerddan coming to an end is sad in the extreme, since it is owing to the sad death of Mr. Pryse Pryse, who was bitten by a fox. Mr. Dun Waters, itiaster of the Wheatland, bought some of the hounds, which bore the reputation of being excellent workers ; but the break up of the hunt is greatly deplored. Al- though the aged Earl Fitzwilliam's hounds will hunt through the season, and it is to be hoped for many more seasons, it is probable that the master may not be often out with them, as owing to ill health he will spend much time at his Irish seat. In Hampshire, owing to the resignation of the Hon. F. Baring, the Hambledon country has been divided, and two new masters ap- pear upon the scene. Mr. Whalley Tooker succeeds to the northern and eastern side, while Capt. Standish takes charge of the southern and western portion, and under this new arrangement it is to be hoped that good sport will ensue. The South Hereford- shire suffer a change owing to Mr. A. W. Foster having given up the country in favour of Mr. F. G. Fry. What has hitherto been Capt. Johnstone's pack must now be sought for higher up in the alphabet, Sir Everard Cay ley having taken over the district rendered vacant by the captain's retirement, while there are changes to be noted in connection with both the East and West Kent packs. The former country is now hunted by Mr. H. W. Selby- 362 BAILY S MAGAZINE. [November Lowndes, who has migrated from the Bilsdale,and Mr. Baker White, formerly master of East Kent, has gone over the border to succeed Lord George Nevill in West Kent. Mr. Heseltine, who is away soldiering, has handed over the New Forest Hounds to Mr. H. C. Compton, the change affording the employment of a professional huntsman, Frank Hutchins, as the new master does not himself carry the horn as did Mr. Heseltine. After five seasons of master- ship, Mr. Ashurst gives up the South Oxfordshire country to Mr. H. G. Pease. Mr. Craven re- signed the Pembrokeshire at the end of last season, and was succeeded by Mr. Leader, who at a recent hunt meeting sent a communication that he seriously thouglit of resigning unless something could be done to check the spread of barbed wire which is seriously affect- ing hunting in Pembrokeshire. Apparently Mr. Leader was not satisfied with the result of his representations, for he returns to his former post as master of the Muskerry in Ireland, Mr. F. Lort Phillips taking the Pembroke- shire. In Nottinghamshire Mr. Rolleston, being in the Yeomanry, loyally placed his services at the country's disposal, and, proceed- ing to the front, left the Rufford Hounds, over which he has long presided with such tact and energy, in the hands of Lord Manvers. Mr. Rolleston's name, to the great regret of all, ap- peared in the casualty lists : he was severely wounded. There is also a change to report in connection with the Shrop- shire country, Mr. Bibby now being sole master instead of acting in conjunction with Mr. Rowland Hunt. What used \o be the South Shropshire country has frequently been a difficulty, and when the partner- ship between last season's masters was dissolved, Mr. Hunt offered to take the whole country on a substantia] guarantee. Mr. Bibby, on the other hand, turning his back on the South Country, offered to hunt the North Country at his own expense, and that is the ar- rangement for the present season ; so as far as can be understood the South Country is virtually un- hunted, except that some of it will be covered by a neighbouriDg pack. Military duties called away Mr. Eyton, master of the Steven- stone, so he resigned the country to the Hon. Mark Rolle, by whose name it is again known, Mr. David Horndon being the acting master, and it is to be hoped that so good a country, for there is much grass in it, will be the scene of much good sport. In the West it has hardly its equal, and its hounds bred and owned by the Hon. Mark Rolle, for so long master, reach a high standard. Then there is a sad tale to tell in connection with the Surrey Union. Major Goulbourn resigned at the close of last season, when Mr. T. H. Bennett and Mr. G. H. Longman were elected joint masters ; but just as cubhunting was beginning, and it does not begin very early in Surrey, owing to shooting ar- rangements, Mr. Bennett died, so Mr. Longman reigns alone. In Somersetshire the Hon. E. W. B. Portman, who has made the Taunton Vale an ex- ceedingly well-gated country, has given up the hounds and is suc- ceeded by Mr. F. C. Swindell, formerly master of the Puck- eridge and the Old Berkshire, and as the new master has elected to be his own huntsman, Mr. Dodington hangs up his horn. The Tremlett Hunt suffers this 1900.] THE HUNTING SEASON S ARRANGEMENTS. 3^3 season from the resignation of the late master, Sir John Shelley, but a successor has been fortunately found in Mr. W. Morris, of Elm- side House, Exeter, in whose hands Isosorbide Dinitrate 10 Mg the welfare of the hunt is safe, though one cannot help regretting that there is no member of the Tremlett family to take a share in the management of the hunt which has so long been watched over by them. The Vale of White Horse (Cirencester) came very near losing Earl Bat hurst, who has gone to St. Helena with his regiment, but at the earnest solicitation of his friends he consented to keep on the hounds, and so has saved the country from having to look out for a new master. In the Vine Buy Isosorbide Dinitrate country, however, Mr. Pember has resigned, and Mr. Gordon Russell, a former master, takes his place, his huntsman being Tom Attrill, from the Old Surrey, while both whippers-in are new. When we come to the Warwick- shire we learn the sad intelligence